As our heroes take a break in a beautiful meadow on their way to Anistar City, Serena and Bonnie unexpectedly come across an Eevee, dancing joyfully in the sunlight! Serena is quite charmed by the Evolution Pokemon, but then Ash calls out to the girls and startles Eevee into running away. Determined to find Eevee again, Serena decides to put on a performance to attract its attention. Sure enough, Eevee creeps up to watch—only to be grabbed by Team Rocket! In the battle that follows, Eevee uses Protect to keep Serena out of the line of fire, and Pikachu’s Thunderbolt soon sends the villains blasting off again. Serena asks Eevee to join her Pokemon Showcase team. After a bit of shy hesitation, Eevee agrees, and our heroes are off once more—with a new member in the group! (Source: Official si... Show Full Summary