Pokémon : S19 | E11 – A Windswept Encounter!

Pokémon The Series : XY & Z

Season 19 | Episode 11 – A Windswept Encounter! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : January 21, 2016
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In a beautiful meadow, Ash’s Noibat accidentally runs into a Breloom, who attacks with its poisonous spores! Clemont doesn’t have any medicine, but a passing Floette sees Noibat in distress and uses Aromatherapy to cure it. A sudden gust sends Floette flying, and Noibat takes off to rescue its new friend! The two are playing together when Breloom barges in with a bouquet for Floette, and then gets angry when Floette isn’t interested. Noibat steps up to protect Floette from the unwanted attention—and then from Team Rocket! Soon, many more Floette drift by on the wind, and Noibat has to say goodbye as its friend continues its own journey. (Source: Official site)

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