Ash and his friends are jogging on one of Seafoam Island's cliff-side roads while training for the Pokémon League. Ash, wearing his white-and-orange shirt, is ahead of Misty, who is wearing a blue outfit, and Brock, who is in his basketball jersey. However, Ash's progress is interrupted when a truck passes by, blinding him with its exhaust. Because of this, Ash does not see another vehicle heading in his direction, but it manages to swerve out of the way, leaving Ash unharmed, though it creates a large pileup behind him. Officer Jenny arrives to defuse the arguments between Ash and the drivers, who quickly speed off. As Ash wonders why the road would be so crowded, Officer Jenny tells them that it is the surfing season, and that the famous wave Humungadunga is coming. Surfers from all over... Show Full Summary