Pokémon : S2 | E14 – Make Room for Gloom

Pokémon The Series : Adventures In The Orange Islands

Season 2 | Episode 14 – Make Room for Gloom eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : October 29, 1998
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Back home at Pallet Town, Mimey tickles both Ash and Pikachu with its broom, prompting Pikachu to shock Ash, which wakes him up. This also awakens Misty, who had been sleeping in Ash's bunk. Later, during breakfast, Delia asks her son to help out with her garden, as he does not appear to be training for the Pokémon League. Not wanting to help out of concern that he would be left too exhausted to train afterward, Ash leaves with his friends, claiming he had to train in the mountains. As they leave, Delia tells them to get three-to-four hundred pounds of fertilizer from the Xanadu Nursery.

Ash and his friends encounter a greenhouse, which Ash explains is the Xanadu Nursery, his old childhood stomping ground. He recalls that the owner had moved away when he was a child and he does ... Show Full Summary

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