Ash and his friends are at a campsite, training for the Pokémon League, when they meet a Trainer named Katrina. Though Brock tries to make an advance, Ash quickly accepts an offer to battle her Raichu with Pikachu. However, before the battle begins, Team Rocket suddenly appears with a net in an attempt to steal Pikachu, but they catch Raichu instead. After they realize this, Raichu breaks free, and uses a Thunderbolt and Mega Kick to knock Team Rocket over. As they are preparing to send Team Rocket flying, a voice yells, "Cut!" It turns out that during this entire exchange, they had been filmed without their knowledge by a producer.
The producer introduces himself (in the style of Team Rocket's motto, much to their bewilderment) as Cleavon Schpielbunk, an acclaimed director. Tho... Show Full Summary