Pokémon : S2 | E33 – The Crystal Onix

Pokémon The Series : Adventures In The Orange Islands

Season 2 | Episode 33 – The Crystal Onix eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : March 11, 1999
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While riding around the Orange Islands on his Lapras, Ash finds a message in a bottle from Marissa of Sunburst Island, who is looking for someone who knows about a Pokémon called the Crystal Onix, which Tracey is aware of. Ash and his friends travel to Sunburst Island, where they overhear an argument between a rival shopkeeper and a young girl, and go to intervene. The young girl is revealed to be Marissa. They then meet her older brother, a struggling young shopkeeper named Mateo, who is seeking inspiration from the legendary Crystal Onix. He smashes one of his Pokémon statues out of frustration and complains they are lifeless compared to his grandfather's works. Mateo tells the group that his grandfather once saw the actual Crystal Onix and shows them his grandfather's Crystal Onix statu... Show Full Summary

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