Pokémon : S2 | E32 – Pikachu Re-Volts

Pokémon The Series : Adventures In The Orange Islands

Season 2 | Episode 32 – Pikachu Re-Volts eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : March 4, 1999
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After stopping by Mandarin Island, Ash and his friends overhear a commotion and notice a Grimer, Voltorb, and four Magnemite attacking their Trainers. The group runs to help, but as Pikachu approaches, he stops. When Ash asks what is wrong, Pikachu just glares at him. Out of nowhere, Togepi jumps out of Misty's arms and glares at its Trainer as well. Pikachu and Togepi then join the other Pokémon, while Voltorb explodes, distracting Ash from rescuing his Pokémon. When the dust clears, Officer Jenny has arrived, but the Pokémon are gone. At the police headquarters, Jenny explains that for some time, Pokémon have all been disobeying their masters. The only Pokémon that doesn't appear to be affected by it is a Gastly. Jenny explains that she is hoping to figure out what is going on using Gast... Show Full Summary

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