Finishing off from the last episode, Ash tells Pikachu to dodge a Fire Blast from Blaine's Magmar at the last second. Pikachu is still hit, but fortunately is not knocked into the lava, having hung on to the edge. Though Pikachu makes it back onto the battlefield, Ash concedes the match, not wanting to risk Pikachu falling into the lava. Blaine allows Ash to stay, as the hot springs will help heal Pikachu from his burns. Though Brock and Misty advise Ash to leave for another Gym, since Blaine was simply too powerful, Ash declares that he will not leave without a Volcano Badge.
The next day, as Ash treats Pikachu's burns, Team Rocket manages to sneak into the battlefield in an attempt to steal Magmar by freezing it. Though it appears that their attempt is successful, Magmar simpl... Show Full Summary