Pokémon : S2 | E42 – Meowth Rules!

Pokémon The Series : Adventures In The Orange Islands

Season 2 | Episode 42 – Meowth Rules! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : May 13, 1999
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Jessie and James begin repairs on Team Rocket's Magikarp submarine, which has washed up on some rocks. James asks Meowth to use Pay Day so they can have money, but Meowth reveals he cannot learn it because his ability to talk negates his ability to learn it. He turns the argument around when he thinks James is hiding coins, and Jessie searches him, finding his favorite gold bottle cap. When Team Rocket spots Ash and his friends in the distance, looking for an island to rest at, they decide to confront them. Before they can do anything, however, the submarine begins to sink. Ash sends Squirtle to attack them with Water Gun, sending the trio blasting off.

On Golden Island, people gather around a gold Meowth statue, wishing for the Great Meowth of Bounty to arrive as predicted, on ... Show Full Summary

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