Now aboard a ferry from Trovitopolis, Ash and his friends find that Trovita Island is surrounded by whirlpools and huge spiked rocks. Pikachu spots a little girl and a Seel caught in the strong current, crying for help. Ash and Misty send out Lapras and Staryu, respectively, before Misty swims down to rescue the girl. As the group works together to bring the girl over to the island, a young man observes and is impressed by Misty's actions.
While riding Lapras the rest of the way to Trovita Island, Ash and Misty ask the girl what she was doing out on the current. The girl, who introduces herself as Mahri, says that she and her Seel were playing when the current sucked them in. As Lapras and the ship both arrive, the young man, who later introduces himself as Rudy, arrives to embr... Show Full Summary