Pokémon : S2 | E52 – The Pokémon Water War

Pokémon The Series : Adventures In The Orange Islands

Season 2 | Episode 52 – The Pokémon Water War eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : July 29, 1999
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Arriving at the next port located on Ascorbia Island, Ash and his friends are eager to get something to eat. However, their plans are shelved when they approach a warehouse on fire. Defying Officer Jenny's orders, Ash and Misty rush towards the inferno. They send out Squirtle and Staryu to douse the flames, but their efforts are in vain, as the fire begins to spread. Just when some debris begins to fall on the group, a team of Wartortle appear to save them. With a blow of a whistle, they proceed to douse the flames in a coordinated display. Still, Squirtle is not pleased and focuses much of its attention on the lead Wartortle, which wears a yellow bandana around its neck.

Later that day, the team's Trainer, Captain Aidan, introduces Ash and his friends to his firefighting force:... Show Full Summary

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