Ash and his friends arrive at Kumquat Island for Ash's fourth and final Orange Crew battle. As they are walking on the beach, a woman rushes in and abruptly hugs Ash. She then realizes what is happening and apologizes, saying that she mistook Ash for her son Travis, who had, like Ash, started a Pokémon journey with a Pikachu. Just then, the beach is attacked by Team Rocket's Robo-Rhydon, driven by Arbok and Lickitung and weaponized by Weezing. Jessie tells Weezing to use Hyper Beam, but it instead uses Smog, to her disappointment. Nevertheless, the attack still causes beach-goers to flee in a panic.
Ash decides to stop Team Rocket, but Jessie has Arbok use Poison Sting on Ash and Pikachu. However, the woman has her Alakazam use Reflect to block the attack. She scolds Team Rocket... Show Full Summary