Pokémon : S21 | E38 – A Young Royal Flame Ignites!

Pokémon The Series : Sun & Moon - Ultra Adventures

Season 21 | Episode 38 – A Young Royal Flame Ignites! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : July 5, 2018
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Another exciting Battle Royal is under way! It's Royal Mask versus the Revengers, a team known for their blatant rule-breaking. When they're about to unleash a sneak attack on Incineroar, Ash's Torracat charges into the ring with an attack of its own—and "Royal Ash" joins Royal Mask for a tag-team match against the Revengers' Electivire and Magmortar! The Revengers' boss turns out to be Viren, the ruthless developer—which means the Battle Royal Dome itself is on the line! But Torracat and Incineroar prove to be a great team and despite their opponents' unsavory tactics, the Double Royals win the day! (Source: Wikipedia)

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