Pokémon : S23 | E22 – Goodbye, Friend!

Pokémon The Series : Journeys

Season 23 | Episode 22 – Goodbye, Friend! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : April 19, 2020
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Ash and Goh have gone to the Hoenn Region to investigate the phenomenon that causes Beautifly to migrate, but the rift between Raboot and Goh seems to be getting worse and worse to the point where Raboot is refusing to listen to Goh and doesn't even seem to like him! While they're all staying at the Pokémon Center, Raboot keeps sneaking out at night. Ash, Pikachu, and Goh follow him to an underground Pokémon Dance Club where Raboot seems to be quite the dance star and appears quite happy. Believing that Raboot would be better off without him, Goh decides to release Raboot, but this may be the worst decision he's ever made. (Source: Wikipedia)

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