Pokémon : S24 | E9 – Memories of a Warming Kindness

Pokémon The Series : Master Journeys

Season 24 | Episode 9 – Memories of a Warming Kindness eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : February 26, 2021
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On a cold evening, Chloe arrives at the Cerise Laboratory and sees Professor Cerise leaving. Ash and Goh head out to catch Ice-type Pokemon. So, Chrysa and Chloe spend a girl's night in Chrysa's apartment. Chloe accidentally looks at a photo of Chrysa and a Psyduck and its trainer. Chloe mistakes the trainer as Chrysa's boyfriend and later learns that the Psyduck helped Chrysa when she was in a bad mood. Meanwhile, Ash and Goh are unable to find any ice-type Pokemon. Disappointed, they head out to eat some food and unknowingly they find the mysterious trainer and its Psyduck. They tell Chloe about the mysterious trainer and its Psyduck, she confirms that it was the same trainer and his Psyduck Chrysa met years ago. They search for the trainer and his Psyduck, unsuccessful at first, but the... Show Full Summary

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