As the Brave Olivine heads to Paldea, Friede discusses taking a job to raise funds. Roy asks if adventuring is the Rising Volt Tacklers' job, but Friede says adventuring doesn't put food on the table. Murdock thinks he could deliver sweets while Orla asks her old work buddies who know anyone in need of mechanical repairs. Mollie asks Dot to make her a publicity video for medical consultations, and Murdock asks for one about his sweets, which Dot thinks is too much work. Roy volunteers to do heavy lifting. Liko says that she'll do anything, but Friede reminds her that she has classes. As Terapagos sneaks into Liko's backpack, Liko has a talk with Ann, who is amazed that she caught a Hatenna in Galar. Classes begin, with Liko's homeroom teacher giving out an assignment. Students are to pick ... Show Full Summary