Pokémon : S3 | E11 – Once in a Blue Moon

Pokémon The Series : The Johto Journeys

Season 3 | Episode 11 – Once in a Blue Moon eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : December 23, 1999
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Ash and his friends take a rest in Cherrygrove City. After polishing his Poké Balls and the mysterious GS Ball, Ash leaves them by the river as he runs to eat, just as a Quagsire appears from the water. Misty attempts to catch it, but Psyduck comes out and appears to have a mental connection with Quagsire. As Misty tries to get Psyduck's attention, Quagsire steals the GS Ball and swims away. Ash sends out Squirtle to chase it down; it uses Water Gun, which causes the GS Ball to slip out of Quagsire's mouth, and Pikachu is able to catch it on the shore. While both Quagsire and Squirtle are using Water Gun against each other, Misty tries once again to catch it. However, before she can throw the Poké Ball Officer Jenny stops them and arrests them for violating the Quagsire Preservation Restri... Show Full Summary

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