Pokémon : S3 | E19 – Grin to Win!

Pokémon The Series : The Johto Journeys

Season 3 | Episode 19 – Grin to Win! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : February 17, 2000
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On the way to Azalea Town, Ash and his friends become increasingly thirsty. With their canteen empty, Ash and Misty spot a nearby pipe to drink from, but a woman appears and begins to fix it. Before she fixes it, she fills their canteens at their request. She introduces herself as Sonrisa and escorts them to Bloomingvale, the nearest town.

At her home, she shows the trio her sprinkler system, which brings fresh water down from the mountains so she can raise her favorite Pokémon, Sunflora. Sonrisa explains that she waters them so they will be happy when the Sunflora Festival occurs, while many other Sunflora Trainers go to great lengths to make their Sunflora the best. Two of her Sunflora seem exuberant, but one, nicknamed Sunny, seems gloomy. Brock and Pikachu try doing funny fa... Show Full Summary

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