Ash and a Schoolboy are having a Pokémon battle. When Chikorita gets tired, Ash decides to use Pikachu against the Schoolboy's Raticate. When he attempts to return Chikorita into her Poké Ball, Chikorita refuses and evades it. The Schoolboy's mother calls her son in for dinner, just as Ash is finally able to return Chikorita. Ash and his friends go to a Pokémon Center to eat, but Chikorita doesn't participate. Pikachu tries sharing his food with Chikorita, but she bats the plate away with her leaf. Observing this, a glasses-wearing Nurse Joy, who has a degree in Pokémon psychology from Celadon University, walks up and requests having a counseling session with Ash, Pikachu, and Chikorita. After Ash answers several questions, Nurse Joy deduces that Chikorita is jealous of Pikachu. She escort... Show Full Summary