Pokémon : S3 | E29 – A Farfetch’d Tale

Pokémon The Series : The Johto Journeys

Season 3 | Episode 29 – A Farfetch’d Tale eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : April 27, 2000
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Brock, with a map in hand, guides Ash and Misty through the Ilex Forest. The group soon comes across a boy commanding his Farfetch'd to use "cutting attack", but Farfetch'd disregards its Trainer completely. Ash steps in and informs the boy that "Cut attack" is the correct name. The embarrassed boy then tells Farfetch'd to use "Cut", but even so, Farfetch'd refuses to obey. The boy, who introduces himself as Sylvester, explains that he is a beginning Trainer and sometimes has trouble remembering the names of attacks. He wants to be able to make "purifying charcoal" like his father does. Brock explains to Ash and Misty that purifying charcoal is burnt wood used for fuel that can also purify water and air. The Ilex Forest is world-famous for its purified charcoal; in fact, Brock even uses it... Show Full Summary

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