Pokémon : S3 | E7 – Spinarak Attack

Pokémon The Series : The Johto Journeys

Season 3 | Episode 7 – Spinarak Attack eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : November 25, 1999
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Upon making their way to Catallia City, Ash and his friends encounter a patrol car speeding down the street, and Brock gives chase, deducing that Officer Jenny must be inside. However, a few seconds later, he trips over a thin web, allowing Ash and Misty to catch up with him. Just then, Togepi notices something approaching, after which a Spinarak appears. Mistaking it for another Pokémon, Misty walks toward it, until she realizes that it is actually a Bug Pokémon. In another part of town, a disguised Team Rocket breaks into a storage building. Meowth tries to pick a lock, but he breaks his claw, forcing James to use a lock-pick to gain entry. Inside, Team Rocket takes a small bowl. Suddenly, a patrolman spots them, but James hurls bottle caps, meant to resemble Pay Day, at him as they make... Show Full Summary

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