Pokémon : S4 | E1 – A Goldenrod Opportunity

Pokémon The Series : Johto League Champions

Season 4 | Episode 1 – A Goldenrod Opportunity eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : August 3, 2000
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Ash and his friends arrive at Goldenrod City and head to the Gym. There, Ash is dismayed to see a sign on the front declaring the Gym is closed today but will reopen tomorrow. With nothing else to do, the three decide to explore the city. Brock suggests visiting the Goldenrod Galleria, but gets the group lost. Pikachu then gets an idea about where to go and heads towards the main street. However, he runs straight into a Clefairy. As Ash apologizes to the Clefairy, a girl runs down the street, asking if Pikachu is okay and picking him up to kiss him on the head.

The girl introduces herself as Whitney and offers to take the group to the Galleria, which she says is far easier to get to if they take an Underground Path that doubles as a shopping arcade. As they are walking through t... Show Full Summary

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