After Ash's Pokémon recover, Whitney takes the group to spend a day at her uncle's dairy farm. Later, Team Rocket, having just returned from their wild Magnet Train handcar ride from Goldenrod to Saffron, attempt to raid the pantry for all of the dairy products they can find, but they are discovered by Whitney and forced to flee. Ash gives chase, and Pikachu attacks the trio, causing them to drop the stolen food. Jessie and James send out Arbok and Weezing respectively, and Whitney sends out Miltank. Miltank hits the trio with a Rollout attack and sends them blasting off. Later, the group is brushing the farm's Miltank, but the one that Ash is brushing decides to walk away. Ash grabs Miltank's tail, and she responds by kicking him into a fence. Afterward, Milton shows the group the milking... Show Full Summary