Pokémon : S4 | E44 – Doin’ What Comes Natu-rally

Pokémon The Series : Johto League Champions

Season 4 | Episode 44 – Doin’ What Comes Natu-rally eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : June 7, 2001
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Ash and his friends are increasingly hungry, and Brock informs them that his map shows that there is a town up ahead. They spot a boy in among the grass and decide to ask him for direction, but they startle him in the process. He's holding a Natu in his arms as well. Ash checks his Pokédex for data on Natu, but the boy seems to call the Natu "Naughty". Ash wonders why he calls Natu that, but Misty says it's a nickname. The boy runs off afterwards, without saying anything.

The gang comes across a small town with a festival going on, which they learn is the Pokémon Street Performer festival. The group watches several of the performances, but a fortune-telling act with Natu captures their attention. A man is there holding up a Natu explaining its fortune-telling abilities. A little... Show Full Summary

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