Pokémon : S4 | E5 – Type Casting

Pokémon The Series : Johto League Champions

Season 4 | Episode 5 – Type Casting eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : August 31, 2000
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While making their way towards Ecruteak City, Ash and his friends find their path blocked by a river. Brock's map suggests that a bridge across exists, but all they can see is construction workers working on a new bridge. Ash asks the construction manager where the bridge over the river is; he informs Ash and friends that a typhoon had swept the old bridge away and that the new bridge will be completed in six months. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is cooking potatoes with the fire of their hot-air balloon. After Jessie complains that the meal is taking too long to cook, Meowth suggests turning up the fire. However, their balloon burns up instead, triggering a crash-landing.

Back at the river, Ash and his friends, trying to think of a way to cross the river, spot a fisherman in a rowboat... Show Full Summary

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