Pokémon : S5 | E18 – For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll!

Pokémon The Series : Master Quest

Season 5 | Episode 18 – For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : December 6, 2001
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Ash and his friends rest at the Ecruteak Pokémon Center and they discuss the route to Mahogany Town. All of a sudden, they hear a weird noise that's coming from the outside. They see Nurse Joy and Chansey run by. Nurse Joy says that there is something up with the Tin Tower. Morty notices this too, and is greeted by his friend Eusine. Both venture inside the tower to investigate, and they notice a set of gold bells are vibrating. They go up onto the ninth floor, which houses the special Crystal Bells, and notice that the bells are missing. Morty orders his Gengar to find the culprits. Meanwhile, Team Rocket celebrates their little steal in the surrounding forest, thinking that they will get some Legendary Pokémon now. James explains that when the bells ring, it is supposed to summon Ho-Oh. ... Show Full Summary

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