Pokémon : S5 | E35 – Enlighten Up!

Pokémon The Series : Master Quest

Season 5 | Episode 35 – Enlighten Up! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : April 18, 2002
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Ash and his friends stop by Lake Slowpoke en route to Blackthorn City. Team Rocket appears from a hole they built, leading to a confrontation with the traveling trio. As they're about to battle each other, a Slowpoke with a yellow flag calmly walks through the two parties and sits on a rock to fish. Madeleine appears and says that Slowpoke is looking for enlightenment, effectively ending the confrontation. Madeleine asks everyone a philosophical question but is met with vague remarks and silence. She offers to take everyone to Slowpoke Temple for lunch before offering training.

The group walks over to the nearby temple, where a giant gold statue of a Slowpoke sits in the center of the complex. Upon seeing the statue, Meowth imagines gifting it to Giovanni, and the Team Rocket tr... Show Full Summary

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