Ash and his friends pause for a picnic by a lake, and call out all of their Pokémon for lunch prepared by Brock. Ash compliments Brock on the food, a sentiment shared by Pikachu and all of the Pokémon, to which Brock emotionally plies everyone with more food. Cyndaquil scoffs down two rice balls at once and begins to choke. Ash runs over to help, and a small pat on the back causes Cyndaquil to use Flamethrower to clear its airways and roasts Ash's face in the process. After lunch, everyone has a nap, except for Misty's Politoed, who decides to have another rice ball. In the process of taking one, it knocks the food off the plate and it rolls into the bushes.
Politoed chases after its snack only to be discovered by Tammy, who admonishes "Bean" for running away and losing its red ... Show Full Summary