As they continue on their journey, Ash and his friends go through the Ice Cave, a shortcut to Blackthorn City. However, they suddenly slip and fall into a hole dug by Team Rocket. Team Rocket starts pouring water into the hole. Ash's Pikachu uses Thunderbolt and Misty's Politoed uses Water Gun, sending Team Rocket blasting off. When they finally get out of the hole, Brock catches a cold. As they walk along, they find a Pokémon Center with Jynx. As they check Brock's temperature, he becomes feverish because of Nurse Joy, who explains that she is the sister of the Nurse Joy whom Ash and Misty met at the Orange Islands. Later, Joy explains that the ice cave remains stable due to a large building acting as a refrigerator.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket, overlooking the Pokémon Center from a... Show Full Summary