As Ash wins his second preliminary battle on the Rock Field with Squirtle, it is revealed that Gary was watching Ash's battle with his cheerleaders. He scoffs at Ash's confidence for winning what he calls two easy matches. Gary walks off while his entourage cheers Ash's name, seemingly jealous and a bit spiteful toward Ash.
Misty later arrives at the group's accommodation, only to notice Ash's absence while Brock takes care of Ash's Pokémon. She criticizes his selfishness, and the two soon reunite with Ash and Pikachu, who are in midst of searching for a place to eat. Ash soon locates an all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant, where he and Misty indulge. During the meal, Pikachu saves Togepi's life from falling cutlery, though Misty only sees Pikachu performing a seemingly dangerous ... Show Full Summary