Pokémon : S2 | E26 – Friends to the End

Pokémon The Series : Adventures In The Orange Islands

Season 2 | Episode 26 – Friends to the End eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : January 21, 1999
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Ash is still upset that he lost his last match in the Indigo Plateau Conference and is curled up in bed, which concerns his friends, Delia, and Professor Oak. Misty comments that he should be happy that he made it as far as he did and enters the bedroom to try to cheer him up. She offers to get him something to eat and then suggests he take a walk, but he refuses. The pair begins to argue about how good a Trainer Ash really is, and Professor Oak eventually agrees with Misty, saying that had Ash trained Charizard better, he could have gone further in the competition. This causes Ash and Misty to go back to arguing, prompting Pikachu to Thunder Shock everyone in the room in outrage.

Later, Ritchie's Full Battle commences; both Trainers are equally matched and are eventually down t... Show Full Summary

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