After Ash's Top 16 achievement in the Indigo Plateau Conference, Pallet Town holds a party celebrating his accomplishment at Professor Oak's Laboratory, hosted by Professor Oak himself. Meanwhile, a disguised Team Rocket operates a food stall for the party. When Ash places an order, they decide to sabotage it with extremely hot sauces. Ash takes the food back as Brock and Ash's Pokémon take the first bite, only to suffer from the extreme heat. Misty has Staryu cool them down with its Water Gun. Ash laughs at their sensitivity to the spice, but he takes it back when he experiences the spicy takoyaki.
During the confusion, Team Rocket takes Pikachu and runs back to their stand. As they recite their motto, the stand turns into a modified hot air balloon. Ash and his friends toss th... Show Full Summary