While riding Lapras across the ocean, a hungry Tracey says they are getting close to Mikan Island, which is also home to one of the four Gym Leaders of the Orange Crew. Meanwhile, Team Rocket, now in a Magikarp submarine, is tracking them, but their submarine's propellers gets tangled in seaweed and they begin to sink.
Upon reaching the shoreline, the group heads straight for the Pokémon Center. There, Ash talks to Professor Oak via videophone and lets him know he recently caught a Lapras. Tracey officially introduces himself to Oak, though the call is cut short as Ash's Muk smothers the Professor. Ash and his friends walk along the dirt path and see Mikan Gym up ahead. Ash starts to run towards the Gym, though he stops after seeing a coconut on the ground. He runs over to it wi... Show Full Summary