Pokémon : S2 | E35 – Shell Shock!

Pokémon The Series : Adventures In The Orange Islands

Season 2 | Episode 35 – Shell Shock! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : March 25, 1999
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While aboard Lapras, Ash and his friends follow a news crew to Fukuhara Island No. 4, where an excavation is underway after the discovery of a fossilized Kabuto. While on the island, they are shocked to learn that Nurse Joy is the director of the excavation. She tells the new reporter that the excavation hopes to study the habitat of the extinct Kabuto. She also remarks that they would like to find out the veracity about the claims about Kabuto oil, considered a youth elixir and health medicine. After hearing all of this, Ash and Tracey ask if they can help. Meanwhile, Team Rocket watches the whole scene from their Magikarp submarine. As Jessie wonders why a television crew would be on the island, Meowth says that they could be on TV as well if they hurry and capture Pikachu.

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