As they continue exploring the Orange Islands, Ash and his friends stumble upon a floating theater called the Pokémon Showboat, where all of the actors, singers, and dancers are Pokémon. The three of them decide to see the show and enter the paddle steamer boat. They watch as Abra referees a boxing ring match between Hitmonchan and Machoke while Clefable watches. As the show comes to an end, Ash says that he guesses there are other Pokémon besides Meowth who can talk.
Suddenly, Togepi wanders off behind the stage. The others run after it and find out that the Pokémon in the performance were lip-syncing to human voice actors hidden backstage. A young actress named Kay appears and yells at the group to be quiet. As the performance ends with the Pokémon dancing on stage, Roger, a v... Show Full Summary