Pokémon : S3 | E21 – Foul Weather Friends

Pokémon The Series : The Johto Journeys

Season 3 | Episode 21 – Foul Weather Friends eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : March 2, 2000
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While traveling along the road to Azalea Town, Ash and his friends notice many Grass-type Pokémon, including a Pokémon hopping along the path, which Brock identifies as a Hoppip. Suddenly, a breeze picks up and lifts the Hoppip into the air, and the trio pursues it. Just then, a girl appears and catches Hoppip in a large butterfly net. As she sets the net down, another Hoppip floats down and lands on her head. The trio catches up with her, and the girl introduces herself as Mariah. She explains that the two Hoppip belong to her along with five others, which she uses to predict the weather. Leading the group outside, she predicts that the wind will pick up because the Hoppip have all clustered together. Sure enough, a breeze arrives and sends two of the Hoppip soaring away, only to be caugh... Show Full Summary

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