Ash and his friends continue towards Goldenrod City. Brock reads his guide and informs everyone that the Onix Tunnel, a mountain pass filled with Onix, is close by. Misty is worried about the Onix, but Ash assures her that his Squirtle can handle them, only to remember that Squirtle is now with the Squirtle Squad. Misty replies that her Water Pokémon will do the job. With the sun setting, the group decides to wait until the morning to enter the tunnel. Jigglypuff walks closely behind, unnoticed, while Snubbull similarly follows behind Jigglypuff.
A new morning arrives and Team Rocket walk to the cave's entrance. Meowth considers taking the mountain route instead, but he reluctantly takes the tunnel path with Jessie and James. The cave's eerie silence is broken by a trio of Onix.... Show Full Summary