Pokémon : S3 | E34 – Hour of the Houndour

Pokémon The Series : The Johto Journeys

Season 3 | Episode 34 – Hour of the Houndour eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : June 1, 2000
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As the group sets up for lunch, Misty and Brock ask Ash about the bread they gave to him. He says it is in his backpack, but when he checks for it, he realizes it vanished. Brock then spots several three-toed footprints in the ground, and the group decides to follow them. In a nearby town, Nurse Joy and her Chansey have finished their groceries and decide to get some ice cream from a waiting truck. They set the groceries down on a bench while they order, but the basket has caught the attention of Team Rocket. Wobbuffet pops out of his Poké Ball unannounced, but Jessie quickly recalls him. James soon lowers Meowth down on a fishing pole, and he goes on to steal some ham. The trio runs away just as Nurse Joy finishes her mint chocolate ice cream. The evil trio are excitedly looking at the ha... Show Full Summary

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