Pokémon : S3 | E35 – The Totodile Duel

Pokémon The Series : The Johto Journeys

Season 3 | Episode 35 – The Totodile Duel eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : June 8, 2000
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Ash, his friends, Pikachu, and Togepi hold their fishing rods out in hopes of finding some Pokémon. Ash, however, is bored by this and gets into an argument with Misty. Suddenly, Misty gets something on her line and begins to reel it in, only for it to be revealed as a tea kettle. An enraged Misty pulls out her special lure, then reveals that she grew up around Water types and thus wants to train as many as she can. Suddenly, a Totodile reveals himself to them, dancing on a rock in the stream. Ash scans him with his Pokédex.

After learning about the species, Misty declares that she intends to catch him, while Ash does the same. Before Ash can throw his Poké Ball, however, Misty tosses her lure at Totodile, who chomps down on it. Ash complains that it's not fair, and Totodile spi... Show Full Summary

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