En route to Goldenrod City, Ash and his friends stop by a lake. Misty lets out all of her Pokémon so they can swim, but Psyduck has to be quickly rescued after it panics. Ash sends Totodile out too; he spots some Magikarp and uses his Water Gun to toss them into the air. As everyone is having lunch, Totodile sees an Azumarill sitting on the shore and singing. Totodile immediately falls in love with her and runs over to dance in front of the Azumarill. She isn't impressed, however, and blasts it with a Water Gun. Azumarill walks away, but Totodile follows her.
At the table, the group sees a Golduck in the bushes. Misty wants to catch it, but Brock urges her to wait since it seems to be looking for something. Shortly after, Golduck's Trainer Trixie arrives. Brock immediately tries... Show Full Summary