Pokémon : S3 | E38 – Fowl Play!

Pokémon The Series : The Johto Journeys

Season 3 | Episode 38 – Fowl Play! eng-sub eng-dub
Aired On : June 29, 2000
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Ash and his friends are walking through a forest when they notice a bird house up in a tree. They wonder which Pokémon could go there when a Noctowl appears, and they hide so that it won't be scared off. Ash looks it up on his Pokédex. A man then shoos the Noctowl away by using a branch from where he is hiding on the tree, saying that this Noctowl isn't the one he wants. The Noctowl flies away. A rare, Shiny Noctowl then appears outside the bird house. The man takes out a stick with berries and moves them up at the Shiny Noctowl. However, the Noctowl kicks the berries away; hits the tree, causing the man to barely hang onto a branch; and pecks at the man's fingers, causing him to fall to the ground.

The group approaches the man and asks if he is alright. The man then introduces ... Show Full Summary

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